Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Scientific talk, FIL (Fédération Informatique de Lyon) January 2023

I presented my research activities on 19 January 2023 to the members of the FIL federation.


You can find the pdf of the presentation below :

Presentation FIL, January 2019

Scientific workshop on reproducibility, 8 december 2022, Lyon

The LABEX Primes organized a scientific day around the notion of reproducibility the 8 december of 2022.

I had the pleasure to give a talk on "Shape metrics for the evaluation of variability in deep learning segmentation methods for medical imaging" in collaboration with P. Clarysse , H. J. Ling, O. Bernard, T. Grenier and M. Sdika.

Please find the pdf of the talk below :

LABEX Presentation 8 december 2022

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Session on "Geometric features extraction in medical imaging" at the conference GSI 2023

Page updated on January 12th

We are organizing a session on "Geometric features extraction in medical imaging" at the GSI (Geometric Science of Information) conference 2023. 
We would like to focus on papers that involve geometric features extraction in medical imaging using physical or geometric properties of the images or the associated signals. We also focus on papers that explain how to analyse and compare these geometric features using appropriate metrics. 

The goal is to encourage links at the frontier between medical imaging and fundamentals mathematics related to geometric science of information. 

Invited authors who wish to have their paper published in the Springer LNCS associated with the conference should follow the submission process of the conference website and pay attention to the fact that they must submit original work that has not been published before. Springer has strict ethics concerning both the novelty and review process.


If you are interested by the session, please contact us:
Stéphanie Jehan-Besson (CR CNRS, CREATIS)
contact : stephanie.jehan-besson@cnrs.fr  
Patrick Clarysse (DR CNRS, CREATIS)

You are also welcome to submit your paper directly via the website and choose your preferred session. In this case we can not guarantee that the submitted paper will belong to our session. 


Conference GSI “Geometric Science of Information”, GSI’23
from August 30th to September 1st 2023
location : Saint-Malo in France

conference chairs : Frédéric Barbaresco and Frank Nielsen

    Deadline for 8 pages SPRINGER LNCS format: February 20th, 2023
    Notification of acceptance: April 21st, 2023
    Final paper submission: May 12th, 2023

The call for papers is available here : CallForPapers_GSI2023.pdf


The overall objective of this conference is to bring together pure/applied mathematicians and engineers, with common interest for Geometric tools and their applications for Information analysis and Learning. It emphasizes an active participation of young researchers to discuss emerging areas of collaborative research on “Geometric Science of Information and their Applications". 

The conference presents a panorama of Geometric Tools emphasizing mathematical theory, physical model, computational methods, and applications in mathematics, physics, statistics, engineering, signal/image processing, machine learning and data science. This conference will be an interdisciplinary event and will unify skills from Geometry, Probability and Information Theory.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Conference Curves and Surfaces 2022

We had the great pleasure to attend the Conference Curves and Surfaces 2022 in Arcachon France, a conference that takes place every 4 years.

Here is the link to the conference :


We presented our work on the "Optimization of a mutual shape based on the Fréchet-Nikodym metric for 3D shapes fusion"

The poster is given here below (click on the image to open the pdf)

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

CREATIS, Medical Imaging Research Laboratory

Since January 2022, I joined the laboratory CREATIS UMR CNRS 5220 as a permanent CNRS researcher. This laboratory is specialized in medical imaging. 

I will continue my current work on mutual shapes for segmentation fusion and evaluation while also participating in new projects in the field of medical imaging.

I belong to the MYRIAD team whose presentation is given via the link below:


and to the Labex PRIMES whose presentation is given via the following link :



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Paper and presentation for GSI 2021

Our conference paper is available using the link below:

Springer conference paper web page

The associated presentation is available using the link below  :

Presentation PDF

New Web page

  My new web page is here : https://sites.google.com/view/jehanbesson-research/home