The final program and schedule for the conference GSI 5th Conference on Geometric Science of Information is now available. The Conference takes place in Paris, Sorbonne University in July.
I will chair the session "Manifolds and optimization" with Bin Gao (UCLouvain)
Don't miss the talks of the Keynote Speakers :
- Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach on Structures of Poisson Geometry: old and new
- Max Welling on Exploring Quantum Statistics for Machine Learning
- Michel Broniatowski on Some insights on statistical divergences and choice of models
- Maurice de Gosson on Gaussian states from a symplectic geometry point of view
- Jean Petitot on The primary visual cortex as a Cartan engine
- Giuseppe Longo on Use and abuse of "digital information" in life sciences, is Geometry of Information a way out?
Abstracts of GSI'21 keynote speakers are available here:
Information on GSI'21 registration: